This Boy is so grown up.
I am so in love.
I can't believe it's already been a year.
I know I must have said it a million times already but time has gone so much faster with Benson than it ever did with Kala. I hear it gets faster and faster with each kid.
Slow. Down.
Please. Slow. Down.
Moments like these I am so grateful for cameras.
I have to remind myself to.
.be still.
.savor the moment.
It's crazy How your heart can be breaking because they are growing up.
Yet feel so much joy in their growth.
I love this sweet boy.
His stats on his big birthday were:
weight: 19 lbs 13 oz -10th percentile
height: 31.75 inches - 95th percentile
head circumference: 45.4 cm - 25th percentile
A week and a half before his birthday he just took off walking. One day he decided he would just walk. Even though he would fall down. a lot. Poor kid. He would stand right back up and try again. Talk about a persistent little boy. He would get so mad and start yelling. But he just kept at it. About two days later he got it down pretty dang good! So proud of him.
He says mama, dada, buh-bye (with a little hand wave), Hi (which sounds a lot like hhhh and a little hand wave), uh-oh (only occasionally), ba for ball, He's trying to say done when he's finished eating. It's a mixture of duu and the sign language for it.
He loves clapping and playing patty cake.
He's very intense and determined. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. Or he gets very frustrated and yells at us.
He's very tolerant and patient with Kala and other kids laying on top of him and playing rough. But he also makes it VERY clear when he's done.
He plays cars with a little vroom vroom.
Plays dinosaurs with a little growl.
He even does airplanes with a little sound affect.
He loves the water. Pool time, loves it. Bath time can't get enough of it.
He's been teething really bad. he's very intense when it comes to teething. He's still getting all four of his second molars in and he's not too happy with it.
He eats a lot. I still feed him baby food greens and occasionally fruits. He eats chicken and ground turkey really well. Loves gold fish and little crunchies (baby cheeto puff things). He loves milk and apple juice. But still loves nursing the best. I don't think he's ever going to want to wean.
On his birthday we had his doctors appointment. He did so good. When they gave him his shots and started to cover up the spots with band aids he was so mad he ripped off the bandage. It was, so him. That evening we went to the Shirley's and had a little barbecue and played. Benson TORE UP his cupcake. It was so awesome. So true to him. He had such a blast.
I'm so proud of my sweet boy and how enthralled he is with the world. So curious and engaged. He loves his family. His highs are so high and his lows. well low. But oh how I love his love.
I am so grateful for the sweet unique spirit that he brings to our family. I am so grateful for the miracle of birth and that heavenly father allowed me at this time to be his mother. I just pray I can be worthy of this calling and be everything he needs.
No way he is a year old!? Ready for a girl next ;) ? haha!