Thursday, August 15, 2013

the Big One Part Two: Partyin'

There's only one time that you can party like you're... one?!? 

thanks Ku'ulei for the fun invitation!
We decided we would have a circus party.
And oh I had soooo much fun planning it.
Honestly it's all I've been able to think about for months because I have been so excited and the ideas kept flowing. I had to start limiting myself.
And oh it was perfect. It turned out just as I had hoped.
Filled with fun food. Yummy candy. Amazing friends and family. And the most handsome one year old in the entire world. Well i'm pretty biased.

We had hot dogs and veggies with little hot dog holders for the kids.
Homemade kettle corn.
and... drumroll please
A candy station! 
The candy station turned out just as I had hoped.
(Pinterest did not disappoint.)

We had fun Big Top Tent cups for the kids as well as some circus cups for  Benson and Christian. They were so cute.

The kiddos decorated balloons with clown face stickers. It was fun. Benson loves Balloons. He continues to carry the leftovers around the house. all. day. long.

Kala, Tate, and Benson all playing the bean bag toss at once.

Happy Boy getting ready to eat.

some of the partyers

My niece Taryn was so proud of her balloon. Sad the face is on the other side haha.

One more shot of the cake before the destroyer got to it.

Evie, Kala and Nolan

He was soo excited to get to that cake.

He definitely destroyed it. He tried to pick up the entire thing and put it in his mouth. He started to get frustrated after he dug in though because his hands  were so caked with frosting and cake that he couldn't get to it very good.

Presents were short lived. All he wanted to do was eat the card from the first present. Paper boy.

carrying his balloon.

he wouldn't move the balloon from his face. haha

he had to follow the balloon.

candy bags.... yay!

our little thank you!

The kids got clown noses as a prize after they played the bean bag toss. I couldn't get a picture of them all together. shocker right. But Kala and I continue to have fun with it. Kala likes putting it on and singing the "afro circus" song from madagascar 3. It's hilarious.

Kala's balloon continues to get lots of love being drug around the house.
I was so please with how it all turned out. Benson was so happy that night. And definitely worn out.
We had so much fun, but I am sad Benson is growing up so fast. I think partyin helped me take my mind off of it. But now that it's all passed I don't quite know just how to let him grow up.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

the Big One

This Boy is so grown up.
I am so in love.
I can't believe it's already been a year.
I know I must have said it a million times already but time has gone so much faster with Benson than it ever did with Kala. I hear it gets faster and faster with each kid.
Slow. Down.
Please. Slow. Down.
Moments like these I am so grateful for cameras.
I have to remind myself to. 
.be still.
.savor the moment.
It's crazy How your heart can be breaking because they are growing up.
Yet feel so much joy in their growth.

I love this sweet boy.
His stats on his big birthday were:
weight: 19 lbs 13 oz -10th percentile
height: 31.75 inches - 95th percentile
head circumference: 45.4 cm - 25th percentile

A week and a half before his birthday he just took off walking. One day he decided he would just walk. Even though he would fall down. a lot. Poor kid. He would stand right back up and try again. Talk about a persistent little boy. He would get so mad and start yelling. But he just kept at it. About two days later he got it down pretty dang good! So proud of him.

He says mama, dada, buh-bye (with a little hand wave), Hi (which sounds a lot like hhhh and a little hand wave), uh-oh (only occasionally), ba for ball, He's trying to say done when he's finished eating. It's a mixture of duu and the sign language for it.

He loves clapping and playing patty cake.

He's very intense and determined. He won't stop until he gets what he wants. Or he gets very frustrated and yells at us.

He's very tolerant and patient with Kala and other kids laying on top of him and playing rough. But he also makes it VERY clear when he's done.

He plays cars with a little vroom vroom. 

Plays dinosaurs with a little growl.

He even does airplanes with a little sound affect.

He loves the water. Pool time, loves it. Bath time can't get enough of it.

He's been teething really bad. he's very intense when it comes to teething. He's still getting all four of his second molars in and he's not too happy with it.

He eats a lot. I still feed him baby food greens and occasionally fruits. He eats chicken and ground turkey really well. Loves gold fish and little crunchies (baby cheeto puff things). He loves milk and apple juice. But still loves nursing the best. I don't think he's ever going to want to wean. 

On his birthday we had his doctors appointment. He did so good. When they gave him his shots and started to cover up the spots with band aids he was so mad he ripped off the bandage. It was, so him. That evening we went to the Shirley's and had a little barbecue and played. Benson TORE UP his cupcake. It was so awesome. So true to him. He had such a blast.

I'm so proud of my sweet boy and how enthralled he is with the world. So curious and engaged. He loves his family. His highs are so high and his lows. well low. But oh how I love his love.

I am so grateful for the sweet unique spirit that he brings to our family. I am so grateful for the miracle of birth and that heavenly father allowed me at this time to be his mother. I just pray I can be worthy of this calling and be everything he needs.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Menu Monday... on a Tuesday?

Sorry I skipped last week. Things were crazy getting ready for Benson's birthday party. That sweet boy.  I am super excited for this weeks menu. So ready to be back on track.

Apricot Pork Roast- In the crock pot I add a 3 lb pork loin, 1 cup chicken broth, and about 14 oz apricot preserves. Cook on low for 10 hours. Serve over rice and some green beans on the side. Yum. So easy.
Beef Stew - I know what you are thinking. Seriously stew? But it sounds SOOO GOOD! I can't wait! As a side note I use corn starch in place of the flour.
Mississippi Roast- Get ready for Heaven in your mouth. oh. so. good.
Chicken, Zucchini and Black Bean Caserole
Taco Chicken Bowls- I made this for dinner last night.

PS All my recipes that call for Cheese. I never rarely use it because it just doesn't make me feel that good.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Road Trippin'

After Kaulana's last final and his pinning ceremony we started our journey to Utah for the family reunion with Kaulana's family.
First stop. Flagstaff. We decided to split up the drive for the kids sake. and our sanity.

We had lots of fun making smores. Kala LOVES roasting marshmellows. As well as fires. So good.

Next stop Pine Valley. It was so beautiful. The weather when we arrived took our breathe away. There were deer out our back door. Oh it was so good. and so so fun to be with everyone. Kala loves his cousins that's for sure. The next day we ate lots of good food with family. Went to an orchard. Went on a hike. Ate lunch. Then headed home. Sadly the trip was so short but we couldn't pass up the opportunity to be with family. We are so grateful for their sacrifice to always make the long trek out to the mainland. We stayed in Flag again on our way home went to church with my mom and then headed  home. The kids were so good in the car, and on the entire trip. We were so blessed.
Keanu decided to let Tre and Kala (3 months apart) fight him. They got a little physical and Kala punched Tre a few times. But what are boy cousins for? haha So grateful for all the little helpers we had with the kids.

Double Three

The same day we went to Jump Street it was also Kaulana's birthday. Kaulana had school all day and finals the next day so he didn't get to participate but we sure partied while we had him with us. He was so happy to be able to celebrate his birthday with his family and our friend Jason got to come over as well. He requested steak, chicken, rice and corn. A man meal of course. Then of course his favorite chocolate layer dessert and of course a gluten free cake (he is so protective of me. I love him).
I am so grateful for this man of mine. He works so hard for us. He is so kind. His love is so genuine. He is genuinely concerned for others. He is an awesome Dad whom our boys absolutely adore. I am so grateful for this day to celebrate him and the amazing man that he is. I love you hubs.

Grandma and Grandpa brought slippers for all the boys from hawaii. Bensons were too big so he decided to eat them.
Happy Birthday Hubs