Friday, July 26, 2013

Play Days

Today we played at the mall with some friends. Kala and his friend Tate were chasing each other around and wrestling. Full on tackling, with head locks, and flipping them over each other's bodies.
It. Was. Hilarious.
They were laughing and having so much fun.
Benson on the other hand was climbing up the slides and convinced that he was such a big boy.
And oh he is. He is growing up too fast.

Just a few things about the boys this week.

Benson has been starting to walk this week. He took 9-10 steps several times yesterday.
He actually got into the toilet today. I caught him just as he started dunking his hand in the water. Ew. Gross. Kala never did that. This boy keeps me on my toes.
He literally starts flailing when Kaulana gets home from his clinical because he is just so excited.
He actually plays cars. It is so cute. Is he really that big?
He loves playing ball.
And he thinks he's the top of the world when he's climbing the stairs.

Kala has been saying the funniest things lately too. For oopsies, he says "oopies" haha and it's all the time. He loves to say "OH WOW!" He also says "OOO HOO!" with a fist pump for woo hoo. It's hilarious he sounds like the pillsbury dough boy. He tells me I look beautiful when I get ready to go out. I love him.

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